The story of “Bilu Rakkhosh” revolves around the central protagonist “Bilu” who is a direct product of the hollow modernization the current times are going through. Bilu works in IT in a typical corporate environment, although Bilu finds himself strangled and gasping. He loves singing and always wanted to pursue his career as a singer. But he has got trapped himself within his own demons (hence the name!). His own worldly desires along with the expectations of the persons surrounding him takes him for a toss from which he never finds a way out. Bilu’s crisis is not as hackneyed as a mid-life one, nor is it as profound as existential. Bilu is a man stuck in time. His life circles around the same circumference every day, piling up on the frustration of not being able to follow his heart. In search of an escape Bilu who rebelled to be a puppet of the reality imposed by others as he creates his own through his delusions, for Bilu albeit living with inviolable demons inside, is also a dreamer.
Anirban Banerjee- Chiranjib-Friend of Bilu
Anjishnu Banerjee- Dampu-Son of Bilu
Koneenica Banerjee- Sohini
Arijit Chackrabarty- Arijit-Friend of Bilu
Ron Dasgupta- Priyadip-Friend of Bilu
Deboprasad Halder- Deb
Rajanya Laha- Childhood of Bilu
Moumita Moitra- Mala
Kanchana Moitra- Ranu
Pradip Mukherjee- Father of Bilu
Papiya Sen
Joy Sengupta- Bilu
Cinematography by
Santanu Dey
Cinematography by
Santanu Dey
Music by
Joy Sarkar
Costume Design by
Anannya Mohanta
Film Editing by
Maloy Laha
Editorial Department
Arindam Dey
Produced by
Arpan Bhattacharjee
Sound Department
Uttam Naskar
Anirban Sengupta
executive in charge of production: Executive Producer
foley artist
Joy Sarkar
Costume Design by
Anannya Mohanta
Film Editing by
Maloy Laha
Editorial Department
Arindam Dey
Produced by
Arpan Bhattacharjee
Sound Department
Uttam Naskar
Anirban Sengupta