Directed by the 27-year-old debutant director Abhinandan Banerjee and produced by Buaddhayan and Monalisa Mukherji, Manik Babur Megh (The Cloud and The Man) is an unusual story of a guy called Manik who lives in the crumbling city of Kolkata. Loner by nature and asocial by choice, he lives with his ailing father who is nothing more than an alarm clock to him. Manik leads an ‘uneventful’ life which revolves around his plants, the strays he feeds, the spider, the ants and the house lizard.
Manik’s father passes away one day and Manik finds himself in a quandary. He is served a month’s notice to vacate the rented house he stays in. Just when the world around him starts falling apart, Manik meets someone that would change his life and the course of our story for good. He meets a cloud. Initially mistaking the cloud as a stalker, Manik soon discovers his folly.
What unfolds is the most unique love story the world has ever seen—The story of a cloud and a man. The surreal romance brings out a new Manik in him and propels him into a roller coaster journey of faith, betrayal, belief, and warmth.
Director: Abhinandan Banerjee
Protagonist: Chandan Sen